With the third and final act of Season Two of the hit animated show “Arcane” having come out on Nov. 23, there has come a new wave of fans of Runeterra, the “League of Legends” universe.
For those who are unaware, “Arcane” is an animated show set in the universe of the hit game “League of Legends.” Runeterra hosts a variety of regions including the two main regions covered in “Arcane,” Piltover and Zaun.
Many people who know about “League of Legends” are likely unaware of its extensive, in-depth lore. “Arcane” serves as a popular entry point into the franchise, providing its viewers with an enjoyable spread of character and region history. Because it is so successful, now more than ever people are eager for more from Riot Games, the creators of “League of Legends.”
Fortunately enough, they might not have to wait as long as you would think. Riot has already publicly stated that they have three more shows currently in the works for the Runeterra IP (intellectual property).
That being said, there is still no information as to what the focus of these shows will be as of yet. However, long time fans of the universe have been pooling their guesses as to what the company will be producing next.

Believe it or not, “Arcane” only shows a small, near-insignificant piece of the puzzle in comparison to the rest of the world of Runeterra. In total, there are 13 regions, each with their own slew of characters. “Arcane” covered three at most. On top of that, “Arcane” didn’t even tell the story of all the champions that are actually in those regions within the game.
Riot has a lot of options to figure out what story they want to make an adaptation for next. For a lot of people this is really exciting news, but they still want ways to experience the “League of Legends” universe before these new shows release.
Luckily for them, there is 15 years’ worth of content for them to experience, through multiple different outlets. There are multiple story games for the universe including “Ruined King,” “Song of Nunu,” “The Mageseeker,” “Bandle Tale,” and “Convergence.”
Additionally, there is an entire website dedicated to the lore of Runeterra, which you can find at https://universe.leagueoflegends.com. The website gives access to every champion’s backstory and any short stories written about them, an interactive world map showing each and every region, and the characters that occupy or relate to each region.
There is a vast amount of content for these new eager fans to appreciate while waiting for new installments in the Runeterra IP.