Artists have always used their work to express themselves, whether it be good or bad emotions they find a way to bring something into the world that represents that. For some, art can just be a way of creating something beautiful and for others, it can be a way to work through hard times and form connections to others who share the same emotions and can relate. If a piece is impactful enough, the work can become immortalized as a representation of the beauty and hardship that the artist experienced when creating it.
Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most famous examples of an artist who used his paintings as an expression of the troubles in his life. At a young age, Van Gogh started to show signs of mental instability. He suffered from delusions frequently and often neglected his health, resulting in the loss of his ear and his multiple stays in psychiatric hospitals. Van Gogh was reported to always have an interest in the places and people around him, later in life he used this as his inspiration for nearly all of his art, including some of his most famous work. In today’s society, Van Gogh is seen to have a long list of possible illnesses including bipolar disorder, epilepsy, and multiple forms of poisoning from things like alcohol and lead. He used his art as a way to heal himself in a way. His art was an integral part of his therapy and made his life easier despite his hard life.

Music is another way to express yourself through art. Famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven had been making music since the age of 10. However, he began to lose his hearing at 28 and became completely deaf at 44. Because music was one of the most important parts of Beethoven’s life, losing the ability to hear his own work caused a lot of emotional distress. He struggled a lot throughout his life, turning to his music to soothe him, even with his hearing loss, he continued to make music, even if he himself couldn’t hear it he continued to make it so that others could still enjoy it.
Another form of creating art is through literature. Authors and poets have a long history of using their stories to work through their misfortunes. Sylvia Plath is a renowned author who based her work on the struggles she herself experienced, with famous works like Ariel, Lady Lazarus, and many others. Plath had been writing since the age of eight and became successful at a very young age. Plath had a widely known history of severe depression and dangerous actions towards herself, which was reflected in her work. Her most famous book, The Bell Jar, is considered an unofficial autobiography by many as it almost directly parallels her own mental breakdown and eventual recovery. Plath’s work was honest about her emotions, and though she had a tragic life, she used it to inspire others, influencing many popular books to this day.
A lot can be said about how artists use their creativity to make it through hard times. It’s extremely impressive that despite everything they struggled with they still persevered and made a difference that affects us even now, when they are long gone. We can learn a lot from the artists who continued to create, even when life got hard.