In the 2024-2025 school year, Technology High School has welcomed two new administrators: our principal, Jessica Romero, and our vice principal, Molly Nagel. These two have brought a sense of cohesiveness and calm among teachers and administrators, which is noticeable to the student body.
They both have experience as teachers, and Nagel has over 10 years of experience as an administrator! So, they go about their administrative duties with ease and professionalism.
Nagel taught at Rancho Cotate High School next door to Ken Torre, Tech High’s current Algebra One, Geometry, AP Stats, and Algebra Two Accelerated teacher. She also co-taught a class with Matthew Zwinge, our current AP U.S. History, AP Human Geography, and AP Government and Economics teacher, in 2007. Having pre-established relationships with such core members of the Tech High community made acclimating to our school easier for Nagel: “When I first came to Tech High, I felt like I already knew the people.”
Romero first became a teacher in her twenties and experienced education through a teacher’s lens alongside her oldest son. “I mean, we grew up together,” Romero remarks when talking about her and her son’s relationship. She supports the hobbies and passions of her children without hesitation, driving them to and from practices late into the night. Her supportive nature is reflected in how she does her job. She maintains a reputation of approachability and caring that eases the minds of students who might be facing any issues.
Because of their educational career experience, they understand the importance of supportive staff and teachers. When asked about someone inspirational in her life, Nagel spoke about her second grade teacher, saying, “My second grade teacher was such a fantastic teacher; [she] made all of her students feel like her favorite.” Their appreciation for quality school staff is part of what makes them such helpful administrators.
Teachers and students alike look forward to their time with our new principal and vice principal. Many have noted how the Tech High community has improved since their joining the school, saying it feels lighter, calmer, and overall more enjoyable here. So, thank you to Romero and Nagel for bringing such positivity into our school.