Fall is here! This season has so many fun things you can do. Something everyone enjoys is going to a pumpkin patch, and the Santa Rosa Pumpkin Patch is the perfect choice. They have many different fall activities to do as the weather gets colder. The Santa Rosa Pumpkin Patch is located at 5157 Stony Point Road in Santa Rosa.
The general price for the pumpkin patch is $5. This will let you into the petting zoo, corn hole, a hay bale pyramid, and give access to pumpkin tetherball and a couple of tire swings. A wristband will be given determining what you paid for, with different colors for the different admission levels. The next level costs $20. You will get all of the other things plus unlimited jumping on the massive jumping pillow, an inflatable water slide (when the season is not too cold), and a bouncy house.
For $30 you will get to shoot from the pumpkin blasters, which is a separate part from the pumpkin patch. It is a massive shooting machine where you are aiming at pumpkins to make them explode. Two more things that you get are a hay ride down to the lot with all the pumpkins, and access to the corn maze.
There is a massive patch where you can go and pick pumpkins yourself with a wide variety of squash, and gourds to choose from as well. The pumpkins are in a gigantic 10-acre lot. The Santa Rosa Pumpkin Patch has mini pumpkins and unique hybrid ones, such as Cinderella, Fairytale, and Jarrahdale Pumpkins.

The patch also has gourds, such as basket gourds and bottle gourds, that you can purchase. Most of the pumpkins are growing straight out of the ground, so you should try to bring some form of garden clippers or shears to help uproot them. The pumpkins are not at the same place as the fair, they are around 10-minutes away by a hay ride. The hay ride is usually a bumpy ride down to the pumpkin patch.
The pumpkins are priced by the size, weight, and color, whereas the orange pumpkins are the base price and other colors will cost more. This is because most farmers choose to plant the classic jack-o-lantern pumpkin making other varieties hrder to find and buy. The prices for the orange pumpkins range from $5 to around $20, whereas the specialty pumpkins start at $8 and go up from there. They have carts that you can use to haul them from the hay ride back over to your car.
Another thing that the Santa Rosa Pumpkin Patch hosts is face painting and pony rides. If you are interested in coming with your family, then these are two things that younger siblings and little kids can do. Both the face painting and the pony rides are cash only and are set up by private vendors who come to work for the week. For little kids, this is a “cow train” that goes around the Pumpkin Patch to different locations. The train is black with white blotches around it and a wooden head on the front of each train car that they have painted to look like a cow.
If you get hungry, there is a snack shack with all kinds of carnival food. There are hot dogs, chili, and nachos. There is also coffee, hot chocolate, apple cider, lemonade, water, and soda. And, if you want a sweet treat, then come and get caramel apple or some kettle corn.
The Pumpkin patch is open Monday through Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., on Friday it is open from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., on Saturday it is open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and on Sunday it is open 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The corn maze always closes around 45 minutes before the end time so they can start to go through it and clean up. Every rainy day they have to close because they can’t get all of the hay bales wet. Try to make it down to the Santa Rosa Pumpkin Patch this fall season.