Despite its small size, Technology High School is home to many different sports teams and clubs. But, for all of the school sports that everyone enjoys daily—volleyball, soccer, and basketball, just to name a few—there happens to be a group of activities that rarely even crosses the mind of the wider student body: the Tech High lunch sports.
The school’s lunchtime sports are, fairly obviously, the sports that students play during lunch. There’s an official Tech High soccer team, sure, but did you know that the sport is also played during the school day? And that there’s ping-pong in the multi-use room (MU)? I interviewed players from five different lunch sports: the previously-mentioned volleyball and ping-pong, basketball, soccer, and football, to ask them what it’s like to play each lunch sport and to see what they like about their sport.

The Ping-Pong Club was founded last year and has continued this year. Matthew Tababzeh, a junior, is a member of the club. Alongside him, there are usually about five to six people attending the club, which meets pretty much every day of the week in the MU. Tababzeh says ping-pong is especially enjoyable when you’re able to keep the ball in play for a long time—there’s nothing quite like a good rally! When asked about a favorite moment, Tababzeh responded, “When [the ball is] off the table… and you swipe it, and it just glides [back onto the table].”
Basketball is probably the most popular lunch sport at Tech High. Senior Linbert Ngnitang is among the many students who participate in the daily games. At the start of lunch, students will meet at the basketball courts behind C-Wing and organize the day’s teams, though players come and go frequently throughout lunch. Games typically last all of lunch, but the score is rarely kept track of. Students of all grades participate, with a notable amount of freshmen and sophomores. Ngnitang explained how the games are as much a social event as they are a sporting event: “I’ve met a lot of [students] through playing basketball, knowing their names, and then you get to say hi to them around campus… it’s a good environment.” The courts are not often used for games besides basketball; usually, students are more than content with getting a match going as quickly as possible.

If basketball is the most popular lunch sport, soccer contends for perhaps the most overlooked. Soccer needs more players for full matches than other sports, making a full game a rare sight. Instead, players will often play in smaller areas closer to each goal, taking turns kicking the ball into the goal or playing smaller-sized matches. There are usually five to seven players around each goal. Ngnitang attributed the smaller player count of soccer in part to the popularity of basketball, explaining that it’s often easier and more enjoyable to play basketball, since full games get going faster and can happen every day.
Volleyball is another popular lunch sport. The sport began last year as a club in the MU. After some time being played on-and-off in other locations, volleyball is now consistently played at the outdoor court behind Room C01. Zach Edgar, a sophomore, said that many of the people who play volleyball are members of the official Tech High volleyball boys or girls teams. If that intimidates you, don’t worry! Edgar made it clear that being in one of the teams is by no means necessary to play at lunch.
Last but not least is football. Played in the quad, this lunch sport happens most days of the week. Jacob Khoury, a junior, explains that the activity began in early September of this year, though it was played on occasion last school year. The game generally consists of throwing around the football and attempting to stop the others from catching it. Proper football games aren’t played in the quad, partially due to limited space and partially due to a lack of players. However, Khoury expressed the group’s wishes to establish full games in the field if more people are interested in lunchtime football.
The activity has created some friendly rivalries in the group. “Of course I’m [the best],” Khoury told me, prompting the group to erupt into argument and laughter. “No, I own him!” another player shouted in response. At every moment, it’s anyone’s game—just prior to the interview, Khoury caused another player to topple to the ground, reclaiming the ball from them. “He couldn’t get through me!” he said.
With such a wide variety of lunch sports at Tech High, it’s a wonder more people don’t notice them. If you’re ever bored during lunch or want something to do, why not try one of the lunch sports? The tables, fields, and courts are waiting for you!