Semester finals are right around the corner, and the stress levels are up. Sometimes, a little help to finish the home stretch to break is necessary. To help you along your studies, here is a collection of some general studying advice.
When beginning your studies, you want to guarantee that you are in the perfect working environment. A comfortable chair, quiet room, and natural lighting can all do wonders to your studying experience. Try to remove all distractions around you, put your phone on silent, and sit in a clean and uncluttered space. You want to feel as little overstimulation as possible.
Before you start, use the restroom, make some tea, prepare snacks, and be ready to lock in. This will prevent you from having to get up every few minutes, keeping you focused where you are.
It can feel wonderful, but working in bed can become a bad habit if you wish to make it long in your studying. Your body becomes accustomed to what you are going to be doing, depending on where you are. If you were to try and work in bed, you will naturally become more tired as your body prepares for sleep, and lose your productivity.
Sometimes even changing up your environment can help instigate better workflow. Try studying somewhere new, such as a library where it is quiet and focused. All around you are other possible study materials as well, setting you up for success. Sometimes the peaceful aesthetic of working in a coffee shop can help your focus. You won’t be as tempted to go and work on other things like you would be if you were at home.

When working, try to take breaks at around 30 minute intervals. Allow your brain some time to process and digest all the new information you have just reviewed. After about 5 minutes, you should be ready to jump back in for another round.
When planning to work with others for studying, strategically choose who you are going to be doing it with. Working with your friends can be fun, just make sure that you don’t get off task.
Do your best to avoid only eating sugary or fatty foods when you are studying. Eating a balanced diet is one of the best ways to ensure that you maintain energy while trying to do your work. Berries, nuts, and even dark chocolate are some great foods to boost your brain’s ability to focus when working or studying.
The night before your exam, it can be very tempting to sneak in some more last minute studying. Although, a late night cramming session is not what your body needs before you take an important test. According to a study done by the University of South Florida, you should be giving your body at least eight full hours of sleep the night before.
Eight hours is not just for the night before! You can fall into something known as “sleep debt” when you consistently do not reach the amount of sleep necessary for your body to function properly. The week before your exam, you should aim for 8-10 hours every night to ensure your brain is in the best condition for getting that A.
Studying math can be very difficult. There’s not really anything to memorize, you can understand how something works, but how do you even replicate it? Ken Torre, a math teacher at Tech High, says that “studying for math is a myth,” meaning that you cannot just memorize your way through math. In order to truly understand, “you must interact with the curriculum.”
David Freebairn, a Spanish teacher at Tech High, also offers some advice for making it through his class. In order to stay afloat in Spanish, you need to stay current and always stay on top of your work. “Cramming never pays,” he says. Work with a lot of flashcards in order to self test your vocab retention, and practice speaking and writing along with your peers to practice in real life.
Science is based around memorization and recalling. When studying for science, you cannot just read through sources or watch videos to fully comprehend the material. Erin Dekleva, a science teacher at Tech High, says “taking notes is a first step, reading through notes is a second step, but then actively using notes to do things like create flashcards and drill yourself on the material is the step oftentimes students do not take.” You are not properly studying if you do not try to apply your knowledge.
Your teachers are here to support you. If there is a particular subject you are stressed about, reach out to your teachers, they would love to help you in any way. Same with many of your peers. If you are struggling, do not hesitate to reach out to those around you.