High school can be busy, especially when balancing academics, extracurriculars, and home obligations. What is sometimes overlooked in the high school lifestyle is part-time jobs. From learning essential life skills to earning some extra cash, part-time jobs in high school offer students the opportunity to experience independence and better get a taste of adulthood before heading off to college.
There are many reasons why side hustles while enrolled in high school are extremely beneficial to students. Working takes up a lot of time, and if you are someone who struggles with time management, working a job forces you to learn how to create a balanced schedule. Not to mention, being able to work as a teenager exposes you to the professional world very early in your life, building your work experience and enhancing your resume for future employment.

Being employed while still young can also improve communication skills and how you work with others. Senior Joseph Harris says, “The skills I’ve developed in customer service and leadership have extended well beyond my job roles… my ability to communicate clearly and connect with others has been essential in almost every single endeavor.” Gaining that confidence is extremely important in all aspects of life. In the workplace, you are almost always required to work with others, especially in the field of customer service.
When working with others, forming a safe and comfortable community is possible. Senior Mat Ortiz says, “I believe every kid should try working during high school because it can lead to unexpected experiences that offer you newfound communities, a sense of belonging, and gratitude for being a part of the workforce.” If you struggle with self-confidence, getting a job is the perfect way to branch out and be more of yourself in a different environment and community.
Possibly the most important benefit of getting a job during high school is that it teaches students the actual value of hard work. In a fast-paced world where instant gratification is eagerly sought-after, having a job teaches young adults the reality of the world and how you must truly apply yourself in order to receive your wants and needs.
It is important to remain academically strong when working a job while enrolled in high school. Balancing your time is vital to growing your experience and preparing for your future. You want to ensure that you always leave some time for yourself in the busy process. Senior Max Harvey has worked multiple jobs in high school and advises that decompressing is “the most important way to make sure you’re able to keep up with school, work, and personal life without getting overwhelmed.”

Working while in high school sets students up for success when heading off into college, future professional careers, and life in general.